21 Nov 2017

Constitutionalising the Security Union

Effectiveness, Rule of Law and Rights on Countering Terrorism and Crime

Sergio Carrera / Valsamis Mitsilegas

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This collective volume offers a multidisciplinary examination of the critical issues and challenges associated with the EU’s initiative to build a Security Union, particularly in relation to common policies adopted at the member state level aimed at countering terrorism and crime. It delves into the EU’s efforts to support cross-border investigations, the exchange of information and international cooperation, taking stock of the effects on freedom and privacy.

The various authors offer key research findings, which contributed to the European Commission’s 2017 Comprehensive Assessment of EU Security Policy. They identify and explore the main constitutional dilemmas facing the Security Union concerning EU standards enshrined in the Lisbon Treaty and the commitments undertaken in the context of the EU Better Regulation agenda. Hence, this timely examination of EU security policies sheds light on their effectiveness, proportionality, fundamental rights and societal implications.

Sergio Carrera is a Senior Research Fellow and Head of the Justice and Home Affairs Programme at CEPS in Brussels and a part-time Professor at the Migration Policy Centre at the European University Institute in Florence. Valsamis Mitsilegas is Professor of European Criminal Law, Dean for Research (Humanities and Social Sciences) and Head of the Department of Law at Queen Mary University of London. Julian King, who offers additional insights and thoughts in a Foreword to the book, is European Commissioner for the Security Union.

This paperback book falls within the framework of SOURCE Network of Excellence, which is financed by the EU FP7 programme.

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