30 Jan 2014

Composition and Drivers of Energy Prices and Costs in Energy-Intensive Industries: About the Study and Cross-Sectoral Analysis

Christian Egenhofer / Andrea Renda / Felice Simonelli / Jacopo Timini / Wijnand Stoefs / Lorenzo Colantoni / Giacomo Luchetta / Federico Infelise / Susanna Roth / Julian Wieczorkiewicz / Fabio Genoese / Andrei Marcu / Vasileios Rizos / Lorna Schrefler

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In May 2013, the European Commission received a mandate from the European Council to “to present an analysis of the composition and drivers of energy prices and costs in Member States, with a particular focus on the impact on households, SMEs and energy intensive industries, and looking more widely at the EU’s competitiveness vis-à-vis its global economic counterparts”.

Following such mandate and in view of the preparation by the Commission of a Communication and a Staff Working Document, DG Enterprise and Industry commissioned CEPS to carry out a set of studies aimed at providing well-grounded evidence about the evolution and composition of energy prices and costs at plant level within individual industry sectors. A team of CEPS researchers conducted the research, led by Christian Egenhofer and Lorna Schrefler. Vasileios Rizos served as Project Coordinator. Fabio Genoese is the leading author of the cross-sectoral analysis.

In addition to this introductory report entitled “About the Study and Cross-Sectoral Analysis”, CEPS prepared five sectoral case studies: two on ceramics (wall and floor tiles and bricks and roof tiles), two on chemicals (ammonia and chlorine) and one on flat glass. Each of these 6 studies is posted separately for free downloading on the CEPS website.

The specific objective was to complement information already available at macro level with a bottom-up perspective on the operating conditions that, in terms of energy prices and costs, industry stakeholders need to deal with. The approach chosen was based on case studies for a certain number of (sub-)sectors amongst energy-intensive industries. A standard questionnaire was circulated and respondents were sampled according to specified criteria. Data and information collected were finally presented in a structured format in order to guarantee comparability of results between the different (sub-)sectors analysed.

The complete set of files can also be downloaded from the European Commission’s website:  http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/newsroom/cf/itemdetail.cfm?item_id=7238&lang=en&title=Study-on-composition-and-drivers-of-energy-prices-and-costs-in-energy-intnsive-industries