16 Dec 2019

Comparative policy recommendations on improving social dialogue articulation and effectiveness in Europe

Mehtap Akgüç / Sara Baiocco


Bringing together five consortium partners, the 2017-2019 EESDA project advances current knowledge and expertise on the articulation of social dialogue in Europe and its effectiveness. It studies the ways in which social dialogue at different levels functions and the channels through which EU-level social dialogue – across and within sectors – affects the actors, decisions and outcomes at national and sub-national level, and vice versa.

This document summarises the comparative findings, covering both cross-sectoral and sectoral levels, from previous EESDA research outputs and provides policy recommendations to make social dialogue more effective in Europe. It also highlights specific areas where the articulation and effectiveness of social dialogue could be improved as well as including suggestions and initiatives by social partners and other stakeholders to take matters forward.