Retail payments are at the forefront of the digital transformation of financial services. Changing payment-processing interfaces, the introduction of crypto-assets and more recently, new payment instruments, are all shifting the traditionally cash-dominated retail payment landscape.
In September, the European Commission published a Communication on a Retail Payments Strategy for the EU in response. In the strategy, the Commission puts forward a vision for European retail payments: i) a broad and diverse range of high-quality payment solutions for citizens and businesses; ii) availability of competitive home-grown, pan-European payment solutions; and, iii) cross-border payments with third countries. During this CEPS-ECRI webinar, key stakeholders involved in the payments sector will discuss the strategy.
To what extent is the strategy setting the right priorities and objectives for a future-proof EU retail payments market? And are the key actions to reach the objectives fit for purpose?
• Eric Ducoulombier, Head of Retail Financial Services Unit, DG FISMA
• Roeland van der Stappen, Head of regulatory affairs, VISA
• Ana Climente, Head of Open Banking Spain, BBVA
• Thierry Antonin, Director Solution Consulting EMEA, ACI Worldwide
• Jean Allix, Special Advisor, BEUC
Moderated by Willem Pieter de Groen, Research Fellow & Head of Unit, CEPS.
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You can also follow the webinar via CEPS YouTube Channel.