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What is the impact of the Basel capital reforms on EU banks?


Place du Congrès, Bruxelles, Belgique

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What is the impact of the Basel capital reforms on EU banks?


The finalised Basel III reforms agreed in December 2017 still need to be implemented in the EU. Although the European Commission has set an objective to avoid significant increases in the capital requirements, several industry representatives have expressed their concerns that the agreed standards are likely to lead to a substantial increase in capital charges. Moreover, the European Banking Authority, which has assessed the impact on a large number of EU banks, finds that the overall increase in the capital requirements for EU banks will be almost a quarter under the most conservative assumptions. This would lead to a shortfall of about €135 billion, impacting primarily the large globally active banks.

During this CEPS meeting the impact of the finalisation of the Basel III reforms on the EU banking sector as well as their implementation across the EU will be discussed.

Karel Lannoo Karel Lannoo
Karel Lannoo

Chief Executive Officer

Speakers list
Nathalie Berger

Head of Unit European Commission (DG FISMA)

Marina Cernov

Policy Officer European Banking Authority

Ulrik Nødgaard

CEO Organisation Finance Denmark

Karel Lannoo

CEO, CEPS (Moderator)