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The future of Long Term Care in Europe: Challenges in the face of ageing populations

Migration, asylum and borders

Place du Congres 1, 1000 Brussels
CEPS Event

The future of Long Term Care in Europe: Challenges in the face of ageing populations


The ANCIEN FP7 project, which CEPS has coordinated since January 2009, is drawing to a close with a final conference to share the scientific and policy results with the different actors involved in social, health and long-term care (LTC) systems. This conference, held in Brussels on October 24th, aims to generate interactive discussions about better planning for LTC systems in Europe.

The ANCIEN project principally concerns the future of long-term care for the elderly in Europe. Its main accomplishment was to compile EU-wide data from 22 countries and to prepare country reports describing the existing LTC systems. The analysis will assist policy-makers in member states to assess the potential care gap in their countries in order to plan the future organisation and financing of their national LTC systems. In addition, policy-makers can use the analysis of the factors that determine the performance of national LTC systems to adapt their national LTC systems.

Visit the project’s website for more details on dissemination events and reports.

Download the full agenda.