Conference is over

The Future of Gas in an Electrifying Europe

Energy, climate change and the environment


The Future of Gas in an Electrifying Europe


What is the role of gas in the future European energy mix? The event will unite and put to the test different perspectives on the future of gas, and test the results and policy recommendations developed as part of the SET-Nav project. Several different scenarios will be up for discussion, including moderate electrification, hydrogen, strong gasification, and renewable gas.

Speakers list
Christian Egenhofer

Director, CEPS Energy Climate House

Steinar Eikaas

Vice President, Low Carbon Solutions,Equinor

Daan Peters

Associate Director,Navigant

Marijke Welisch

Senior Reseacher,TU Wien

Florian Ermacora

Head of Unit, Internal Energy Market, DG Energy,European Commission

Franziska Holz

Deputy Head of Department for Energy, Transportation, Environment, DIW Berlin

Ruud Egging


Vera Brenzel

Head of Political Affairs, E.ON

Peter Kotek

Senior Research Associate,REKK

Stijn Carton

Associate for the Energy Systems Initiative, European Climate Foundation