The U.S. and EU are leaders in regulatory reform. Over the past decades, their systems have converged in the use of economic analysis for policy evaluation, as well as in the development of regulatory oversight and a complete policy cycle, in which ex ante impact analysis and ex post evaluation enable policy learning. Most recently, the U.S. has placed more emphasis on regulatory budgets, with the introduction of a “one in one out” system that applies throughout the U.S. administration. The European Commission has strengthened its better regulation agenda in many respects, and the new Commission that will take office this year will face important choices on how to move the agenda forward. In this seminar, we explore avenues for cooperation and convergence between the two systems, with the help of two authoritative keynote speakers: Veronica Gaffey, the newly appointed Chair of the Regulatory Scrutiny Board, and Professor Jonathan B. Wiener, Professor of Law, Environmental Policy and Public Policy at Duke University.
Registration and coffee from 9.00 – Meeting from 9.30 to 11.30