Conference is over

The CJEU judgment in Achmea

EU budget and public investment

CEPS Conference room
Place du Congres 1 - B-1000 Brussels

The meeting is free of charge but registration is required


The CJEU judgment in Achmea

Death sentence for investment protection tribunals?


On 6 March 2018, the Court of Justice of the EU ruled in Achmea that the Investor-State Dispute Settlement provided for by a bilateral investment treaty (BIT) concluded between two member states was inconsistent with EU law. This means that an investor established in a EU member state will no longer be able to initiate an investment arbitration case against another EU member in the event of a dispute concerning investments made by that investor in this other member state. It is therefore no surprise that this landmark judgment is opening up a new debate regarding the future of investor protection in the EU.

Specialists in EU and investment law will attempt to answer the following questions at this event:

  • What are the repercussions of the Achmea judgment for the ISDS mechanism in intra- and extra-EU BITs?
  • What are the reactions of the international investment community to the judgment?
  • What will happen to ongoing investment arbitrations under intra-EU BITs?
  • What are the legal repercussions for the arbitration cases under the Energy Charter Treaty?


Speakers list
Ivana Damjanovic

The Australian National University

Nicolas de Sadeleer

Professor, Jean Monnet Chair, University of St. Louis, Brussels

Quentin Declève

Associate, Van Bael & Bellis

Tim Maxian Rusche

Member of the Legal Service, European Commission

Jorge Núñez Ferrer (Moderator)

Senior Research Fellow, CEPS Energy Climate House