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Preventing violent extremism – Stakeholder dialogue on EU implementation of CT and PVE strategies

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Preventing violent extremism – Stakeholder dialogue on EU implementation of CT and PVE strategies

WEBINAR - H2020 PREVEX project


Although the EU is facing the second way of the COVID19 pandemic, three terrorist attacks took place in Europe in less than three weeks. In tackling root causes of violent extremism it is crucial to think about how the EU and its member states are implementing PVE strategies and how they cooperate with one other to prevent future mayhem.

This webinar will focus on EU implementation, weaknesses and challenges of CT and PVE policies in relation to the Western Balkans and the MENA region to identify best practices and lessons learned in this field.

Welcome: Morten Bøås, Chief investigator of PREVEX and Research Professor at NUPI (Oslo)

 Findings from PREVEX research

  • Diana Mishkova, WP5 leader (Preventing violent extremism, the Balkans)
  • Erik Skare, WP7 leader (Preventing violent extremism, Middle East)
  • Steven Blockmans, WP4 leader (EU prevention strategies)

Reactions from EU institutions

  • Anna Reece: Senior Counterterrorism Expert at the European Union External Action Service
  • Filip de Ceuninck, Regional CT/ Security advisor at EEAS for the Western Balkans, Sarajevo
  •  Io-Kerstin Schmid, Foreign Policy Instruments service of the European Commission (TBC)

Discussion moderated by Morten Bøås


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870724.

Steven Blockmans Steven Blockmans
Steven Blockmans

Associate Senior Research Fellow

Speakers list
Morten Bøås

Chief investigator of PREVEX and Research Professor at NUPI (Oslo)

Diana Mishkova

WP5 leader (Preventing violent extremism, the Balkans)

Erik Skare

WP7 leader (Preventing violent extremism, Middle East)

Steven Blockmans

WP4 leader (EU prevention strategies)

Anna Reece

Senior Counterterrorism Expert at the European Union External Action Service

Filip de Ceuninck

Regional CT/ Security advisor at EEAS for the Western Balkans, Sarajevo

Io-Kerstin Schmid, (TBC)

Foreign Policy Instruments service, European Commission