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Spot the Difference: state-aid vs subsidies regime after the EU-UK TCA


Spot the Difference: state-aid vs subsidies regime after the EU-UK TCA



The Centre of European Law at King’s College London and CEPS have teamed up to organise a high-level expert seminar on the implications of Chapter 3 of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) devoted to the regulation of subsidies.

This seminar will provide an academic forum to discuss in closer detail the scope of the subsidy control regime and bring into question the concept of a subsidy according to the TCA. We will look closer at the system of enforcement, analyse possible remedies for potential breaches of the agreement and discuss the development of a new UK system of subsidies control.

The discussion will be introduced by Joaquín Almunia, Former Commissioner, President, CEPS  and coordinated by Christopher Vajda QC, Monckton Chambers, Former Judge CJEU and Professor Andrea Biondi, Centre of European Law, King’s College London.

Andrea Renda Andrea Renda
Andrea Renda

Director of Research

Speakers list
Eddy de Smijter

Head of International Relations Unit, DG Competition, European Commission

Anneli Howard QC

Monckton Chambers