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EU Payment Observatory: Presentation of the 2023 Annual Report



EU Payment Observatory: Presentation of the 2023 Annual Report

The State of Late Payments in the EU


Webinar on Zoom


Late payments in B2B and G2B transactions have multiple damaging effects, particularly on SMEs.

They can affect the liquidity of companies which can prevent investment and expansions, and they can hinder digital and environmental transformation initiatives. They can contribute to financial woes and may even lead to bankruptcies. In addition, late payments lead to more late payments as it might not be possible for companies to pay their suppliers until they themselves are paid, hence exacerbating a vicious cycle.

The European Payment Observatory of commercial transactions (EU Payment Observatory) was set up in 2023 at the initiative of the European Commission to monitor trends and developments on payment performance and behaviour in commercial transactions in the EU to combat late payments.

During this webinar the first annual report of the Observatory will be presented.

The annual report provides a comprehensive analysis of the trends in payment behaviour in commercial transactions in the EU from 2019 to 2022, an analysis of the collected data, and an assessment of the various initiatives and documents put forward across the EU to combat late payments.

More speakers to be confirmed


The EU Observatory of Payments in Commercial Transactions (EU Payment Observatory) – An initiative of the European Commission; service contract EISMEA/2022/OP/0010. The information and views set out in relation to this event are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of EISMEA or the European Commission. Neither EISMEA, nor the European Union institutions and bodies or any person or organisation acting on their behalf may be held responsible for the use which might be made of the information contained therein.
Cinzia Alcidi Cinzia Alcidi
Cinzia Alcidi

Senior Research Fellow, Head of the Economic Policy and Jobs & Skills Unit

Speakers list
Antonella Correra

Policy Officer, DG GROW

Miriam Salomons

Policy Officer, Ministry of Economy of the Netherlands

Iker Ayerbe (Moderator)

Project Adviser, EISMEA

Anna Zabrodzka-Averianov

Global Senior Economist, Intrum

Jesús Prieto

Director General Strategies, Special Projects and International Affairs, MedTech Europe