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Nuclear energy in the EU long-term strategy

Energy, climate change and the environment

CEPS Conference room
Place du Congres 1 - B-1000 Brussels

Participation in this event is free of charge. Registration is required to participate.


Nuclear energy in the EU long-term strategy


Nuclear energy currently generates about one quarter of electricity in the EU, though more than half of the overall capacity is installed in just one country, France. While some member states are phasing it out, others are examining whether sufficiently sound economics and robust safety regimes can be guaranteed for nuclear energy to make a significant contribution to a low carbon future. This workshop will discuss the assumptions that underpin the EU’s long term energy decarbonisation scenario and the role nuclear can play in achieving the Union’s energy and climate policy goals.

Speakers list
Moderator, Christian Egenhofer

Director, CEPS Energy Climate House, Moderator

Pantelis Capros

Professor, Division of Electric Power, NTUA

Gerassimos Thomas

Deputy Director-General, DG Energy, European Commission

William D. Magwood IV

Director General, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA)

Bohdan Zronek

Member of Board of Directors and Chief Nuclear Officer,ÄŒEZ

Yves Le Thieis

Senior Economist, FTI Consulting - Compass Lexecon

Esa Hyvärinen

Senior Vice President, Public Affairs, Fortum – Vice President Foratom