Conference is over

Lithuanian proposal for a European Plan for Ukraine

Foreign and security policy

CEPS Conference Room
Place du Congrès 1 - 1000 Brussels

Participation in this event is exceptionally free of charge. A sandwich lunch will be served from 12.30 onwards.


Lithuanian proposal for a European Plan for Ukraine


Since the Euromaidan revolution in 2014, Ukraine has endured the annexation of Crimea by Russia and the ongoing war in Eastern Ukraine. Ukraine’s government has signed the Association Agreement and the DCFTA with the EU, launched key reforms, and stabilised public finances and the economy. Despite substantial progress, however, Ukraine still faces challenges in combating widespread corruption and in implementing further political and economic reforms.

Two former Prime Ministers of Lithuania, MP Andrius Kubilius (1999-2000, 2008-2012) and MP Gediminas Kirkilas (2006-2008), are both advocating a European Plan for Ukraine. This Plan will focus on investment and support instruments for economic growth; the implementation of reforms; and institutional capacity building.

Participation in this event is exceptionally free of charge. A sandwich lunch will be served from 12.30 onwards.

Speakers list
Andrius Kubilius

former Prime Minister of Lithuania

Hanna Hopko

Chairwoman of Foreign Affairs Committee, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine