JUD-IT Final Conference
The event will be devoted at assessing how data held by private companies and sought in the context of criminal proceedings is currently requested, gathered, and exchanged across the EU and in cooperation with third countries. JUD-IT partners having work on specific EU Member States’ legal system will review the national constitutional safeguards attached to data sough in criminal investigations.
How are these safeguards protected through procedural guarantees? Under which conditions cross-border access to data is allowed? Is a court order required for different data categories? How are the necessity and proportionality requirements of a data request assessed in the issuing and execution phases?
This event will be divided into 2 sessions, each covering differ EU Member States’ legal and institutional systems. During each session, JUD-IT partners will provide evidence on the national systems covered in their research and interact with discussants who will provide feedback based on their own experience working on the field.