In-person event is over

Implementing the InvestEU Programme: achievements and the way forward

Economic and monetary affairs

Place du Congrès 1, Brussels, Belgium

This in-person event is free and open to the public but registration is mandatory.

In-person event

Implementing the InvestEU Programme: achievements and the way forward

CEPS-CDP policy workshop


In person event

Halfway through its implementation, the InvestEU programme is in full swing. 17 guarantee agreements have been signed with implementing partners, covering all EU Member States. Investments and operations are well underway, with more than 20 billion of the 26 billion EUR EU Guarantee already approved. By leveraging on their extensive knowledge of local investment ecosystems, national promotional institutions and multilateral development banks (MDBs) have played an important role in achieving such targets.

The European Commission is about to complete its interim evaluation of InvestEU. The EC will assess whether the objectives of the programme are being met and will identify lessons for improving effectiveness in the second half of its implementation.

This evaluation period presents an opportune moment to review the findings and engage with key stakeholders on critical questions:

  • Is the InvestEU programme contributing to bridging the investment gap in Europe?
  • What role have national promotional institutions and MDBs played so far?
  • Can they help direct EU financial resources to where they are most needed?
  • What challenges have implementing partners encountered in executing InvestEU?
  • How can the Commission enhance the programme’s effectiveness in the next Multiannual Financial Framework?


Come join CEPS, CDP and guest speakers on 14 October for this timely policy workshop. 


Followed by a networking cocktail

Jointly organised with CDP

Read the review of the event

Cinzia Alcidi Cinzia Alcidi
Cinzia Alcidi

Senior Research Fellow, Head of the Economic Policy and Jobs & Skills Unit

Speakers list
Elena Flores Gual

European Commission

Martina Colombo

Cassa Depositi e Prestiti

Sophie Barbier

Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations

Vitomir Miles Raguz

Council of Europe Development Bank

Francesco Mele

CEO of CDP Equity, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti

Laure Blanchard-Brunac

Member of the Invest EU investment Committee