Project Meeting is over

Impacts of the circular economy transition in Europe

CEPS Conference room
Place du Congres 1 - B-1000 Brussels

Participation in this event is free of charge. Registration is required to participate.

Project Meeting

Impacts of the circular economy transition in Europe


The transition from a linear economy to a more circular one requires systemic changes involving a wide range of actors and sectors. Such a large scale transformation of markets will have impacts on industries, value chains and, in turn, on economies. Improving the evidence base about these impacts can help policy-makers decide on priorities and weigh potential policy options against each other. It can also contribute to achieving a better integration of the circular economy in strategic policy processes such as the European Semester.

This Conference will present the evidence collected by the CIRCULAR IMPACTS project on the impacts of moving towards a more circular economy in Europe. The first session will focus on the impacts of the transition on three sectors: electric vehicles/batteries, car sharing and building materials. The second session will deal with the different options for developing scenarios about the transition to a circular economy and evaluating its economic, social and environmental impacts.

Based on existing data and indicators, CIRCULAR IMPACTS ( aims to develop an assessment of the macro-economic, societal, environmental and labour market impacts of the transition to a circular economy. The assessment will support the European Commission in its discussions with member states on progress in this field.

The Conference starts at 12:15 with registration & networking lunch.

Follow the updates on Twitter using the hashtag #CircularImpacts

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 730316
Vasileios Rizos Vasileios Rizos
Vasileios Rizos

Senior Research Fellow and Head of Sustainable Resources and Circular Economy

Speakers list
Patrik Kolar

Head of Department at EASME, European Commission

Louis Meuleman

Co-ordinator European Semester & Environmental Implementation Review, DG Environment, European Commission

Vincent Basuyau

Policy Officer, DG GROW, European Commission

Rob Dellink

Senior Economist, OECD

Jinxue Hu

Economic Researcher, NEO International

Patrick ten Brink

Director for EU Policy, EEB (European Environmental Bureau)

Eleanor Drabik

Researcher, CEPS

Geert Woltjer

Senior Researcher, Wageningen Economic Research

Laurens Duin

Junior Researcher, Ecologic Institute

Aaron Best

Senior Fellow, Ecologic Institute