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Human rights violations at the Polish and Lithuanian EU External Borders with Belarus:

Migration, asylum and borders,Human rights and justice,Diversity, Equality and Inclusion


Human rights violations at the Polish and Lithuanian EU External Borders with Belarus:

What should the EU do to uphold the rights of refugees and migrants?


This ASILE Project Webinar examines what is happening at the Schengen external borders between Poland and Lithuania and Belarus regarding refugees and migrants.

It aims to reflect on what could be the main responses by European institutions to the documented cases of push backs, degrading and inhuman treatment and loss of lives of people on the move.

The webinar investigates the incompatibility of these border malpractices with existing EU and international refugee and human rights standards, as well as the United Nations Global Compacts on Refugees and Migrants.

The event falls within the scope of the ASILE Project (project which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870787), and it is jointly organised with the office of MEP Tineke Strik.

Sergio Carrera Sergio Carrera
Sergio Carrera

Senior Research Fellow and Head of Justice and Home Affairs unit

Speakers list
Tineke Strik

MEP, European Parliament

Katarzyna Wencel

Fundamental Rights Monitor, Fundamental Rights Office, Frontex

Tomasz Sieniow

President of the Rule of Law Institute & Associate Professor of Law at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Christian Mommers

Adviser to the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights

Lina Vosyliute (Moderator)

Research Fellow, CEPS

Tom Snels

Deputy Head of Cabinet of Commissioner Johansson, European commission