In-person event is over

Green steel: Creating demand for low-carbon materials by the globalised car industry

Energy, climate change and the environment

Place du Congrès 1, Brussels, Belgium

This event is free and open to the public, but you must register to gain access to the meeting.

In-person event

Green steel: Creating demand for low-carbon materials by the globalised car industry


In person event

As part of the EU and global drive towards a low-carbon economy, the car industry is increasingly looking to reducing not only tailpipe carbon emissions but also the carbon footprint of the materials used in cars. These include steel, aluminium, chemicals, and electronics. In parallel, material producers are developing more sustainable manufacturing technologies, such as for low-carbon steel.

This conference examines the conditions which the European and global car industry could utilise to create increased demand for low-carbon steel and other low-carbon materials. Market-driven demand has the advantage of bypassing the need for public subsidies. At the same time, it can only work if the car industry can pass on costs to consumers.

The event will also discuss a forthcoming CEPS report that proposes policy options for creating demand for low-carbon steel in the automotive industry.

This event will be followed by a light lunch

Registrations end on 28 November

Christian Egenhofer Christian Egenhofer
Christian Egenhofer

Associate Senior Research Fellow

Speakers list
Patricia Urban

Researcher, CEPS

Rafael, Cayuela

Chief Economist, DOW Chemicals

Ola Hansén

Public Affairs Director, H2greensteel

Alex Keynes

Cars Policy Manager, Transport & Environment

Johanna Schiele

Policy Officer, DG CLIMA, European Commission

Joren Verschaeve

Programme Manager Industry Transformation, ECOS

Amit Agrawal

Manager, Sustainability Strategy at BMW Group