What are the key issues characterizing the implementation of the UN Global Compact on Refugees, and the EU’s role? This Conference aims at addressing this question in light of the key research findings resulting from the first year of work of the ASILE H2020 project.
The presentations will first examine from a comparative perspective the inclusionary and exclusionary components – the intersections between containment and mobility – of national asylum governance instruments across different world regions, as well as their impacts on international refugee law and human rights and lessons learned for the EU. This will be followed by a similar assessment of EU agreements and arrangements with third states on migration and asylum management.
The meeting will be also livestreamed on our YouTube Channel.
The Conference includes a Policy Panel with high-level policy-makers and practitioners addressing the roles of accountability, global solidarity and refugee’s agency in the implementation of the UN Global Compact on Refugees and the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum.
The ASILE project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870787.