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Cybersecurity@CEPS SUMMIT 2024

AI, digitalisation and innovation

CEPS Conference Room
Place du Congrès 1, Brussels, Belgium

This in-person event is free and open to the public but registration is mandatory.


Cybersecurity@CEPS SUMMIT 2024

New wine in new bottles: what's next for Europe's Cybersecurity Agenda?


Cybersecurity@CEPS SUMMIT 2024

New wine in new bottles: what’s next for Europe’s Cybersecurity Agenda?

Ursula von der Leyen, in the Political Guidelines of the new Commission, stated that ‘[o]ur focus must now be on implementing what we have agreed [over the last five years], working closely with all stakeholders and focusing on our big challenges.’ In particular, when it comes to Cybersecurity, she mentioned ‘the need to focus on further strengthening our cyber defence capabilities, coordinating national cyber efforts and securing our critical infrastructures – notably by developing a trusted European cyber-defence industry.’

Starting in 2016 with the NIS Directive, through to the Cybersecurity Act in 2019, there has been a wealth of legislative and non-legislative cyber initiatives put forward by the EU, the pinnacle being the proposed Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) that represents the first comprehensive regulation for products with digital elements in the world.

In this year’s edition of the Cybersecurity@CEPS Summit we will explore the next steps for Europe’s Cybersecurity Agenda – will it be a case of new wine in new bottles? The following questions will guide our discussion:

  • What are the challenges for moving from this wealth of policy initiatives put forward by the previous Commission to action and policy implementation?
  • Is the structure of the new Commission tailored to manage cybersecurity effectively?
  • Should now the focus shift to look at the levels of coherence and consistency among the different legislations, to compliance measures and to enforcement?
  • How the rapidly evolving threats landscape and the use of new technologies such as AI and Quantum Technologies are changing the approach to build cyber resilience?
  • How to enhance the interplay between cybersecurity & defence?
  • How the current EU cyber regulatory acquis could be leveraged to promote international standards and regulatory cooperation with other countries?
  • Does the EU need a renewed effort to create a new transatlantic digital alliance in cybersecurity?

Registrations are closed

Lorenzo Pupillo Lorenzo Pupillo
Lorenzo Pupillo

Associate Senior Research Fellow and Head of the Cybersecurity@CEPS Initiative

Speakers list
Svetlana Schuster

Acting Head of Unit  Cybersecurity technology and capacity building at DG CNECT

Alexander Evans

School of Public Policy, London School of Economics

Jeremy Rollison

Head of EU Policy, European Government Affairs, Microsoft

Sigurdur Stefnisson

Gen Digital CTO

Andreas Tsamados

Oxford Internet Institute

Sergio Tringali

Advocacy Manager at ISACA Europe

James Lovegrove

Public Policy Director EMEA Red Hat

Afonso Ferreira

Director CNRS

Edoardo Giglio

Partner in the Cyber and Strategic Risk Service, Deloitte

Claudia Canelles Quaroni

Senior Policy Manager at the CCIA Brussels

Stefania Benaglia

Head of the Foreign Policy Unit, CEPS

Tommaso Bernabo

Policy Officer Cybersecurity, DG CNECT

Egle Dauksiene

Head of Sector in Cyber Coordination Task Force, DG CONNECT

Annita Larissa Sciacovelli

Professor of International Law at University of Bari and Member of the Cybersecurity Advisory Group at ENISA

Boryana Hristova-Ilieva

Team Leader NIS, DG CNECT

Edvardas Sileris

Head of the European Cybercrime Centre

Agnieszka Wawrzyk

Head of Sector, Cybersecurity Technology and Capacity Building ,DG CONNECT

Martijn Neef

Coordinator Cybersecurity Knowledge and Innovation at Ministry of Economic Affairs, The Netherlands

Tara Tarakiyee

Technologist and lead of The Bug Resilience Program, Sovereign Tech Fund

Benedicte Schmitt

Digital Security Policy Analyst DSTI, OECD

Cristian Tracci

Senior Policy Manger, ECSO

Georges Ataya

Professor and Academic Director, Solvay Brussels School

Tommaso De Zan

Senior Policy Manger, Access Partnership

Yona Raekow

Head of Section IT Systems, BSI

Mario Beccia

Deputy Chief Information Officer for Cybersecurity, NATO

Piotr Ciepiela

EY EMEIA Cybersecurity Leader

Tatjana Evas

Legal and Policy Officer AI Office, DG CONNECT