Regulation is an essential part of modern society and good governance. At the EU level, it plays also a critical role in meeting the strategic aims of the EU and its Member States, achieving the objectives of the EU Treaty and setting the conditions for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Against this background and in line with the ‘Better Regulation’ agenda, the European Commission aims to facilitate the achievement of public policy objectives at a minimum cost, thus eliminating unnecessary red tape while improving the added value of EU intervention.
In this context, CEPS, in partnership with Economisti Associati and Ecorys, has been carrying out the “Cumulative Cost Assessment (CCA) of the EU ceramics and glass industries” for the European Commission (DG GROW). This study aims to identify, assess and quantify the regulatory costs imposed by selected areas of EU legislation (e.g. energy, environment, climate, internal market, competition, trade) on ceramics and glass companies over the period 2006-2015. In addition, the research team has evaluated the impact of such regulatory costs on the cost structure and profitability of companies operating in the two industries.
The purpose of the Validation Workshop is to discuss the preliminary results of the Study with the all relevant parties, including companies, industry associations, NGOs, representative of governments and any other stakeholder. The Research Team will present the overall methodology, including how the data has been collected, processed and validated, before detailing the main findings of the Study. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in an interactive discussion and express their views on key findings and the robustness of the results.
Please note that participation via web-conference is possible, to register click here.
Please click here for agenda.
Participation to the Workshop at CEPS requires registration.
This event is exceptionally free of charge. A light lunch will be served after the event.