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Cumulative Costs Assessment (CCA) of the EU Ceramics and Glass industries – ONLINE

CEPS Event

Cumulative Costs Assessment (CCA) of the EU Ceramics and Glass industries – ONLINE


CEPS, in partnership with Economisti Associati and Ecorys Brussels, is carrying out the “Cumulative Cost Assessment (CCA) of the EU ceramics and glass industries” for the European Commission (DG GROW). This study aims to identify, assess and quantify the regulatory costs imposed by selected areas of EU legislation (e.g. energy, environment, climate, internal market, competition, trade) on ceramics and glass companies over the period 2005-2014. In addition, the research team will evaluate the impact of such regulatory costs on the cost structure and profitability of companies operating in the industry as well as on their international competitiveness.

The purpose of the ‘Open Mirror Group’ Workshop is to discuss the rationale and scope of the CCA, the state of play of the study and the role of stakeholders. The event will be opened by a speech from the European Commission. Furthermore, a panel composed of the main EU associations representing ceramics and glass manufacturers will discuss the relevance of the CCA for the two industries.


Jan Maarten De Vet

Director, Ecorys

Speakers list
Felice Simonelli

Research Fellow, Regulatory Policy Unit, CEPS

Ima Gomez Lopez

Policy Officer, DG GROW, European Commission

Fabrice Rivet

Director - Environment, Health and Safety, FEVE

Bertrand Cazes

Secretary General, Glass for Europe

Renaud Batier

Director General, Cerame-Unie

Paola Di Discordia

Deputy Secretary General, European Domestic Glass Association