CEPS, in cooperation with Ecofys, has conducted a study for the European Commission’s DG GROW on “Composition and Drivers of Energy Prices and Costs”.
Based on data collected from 189 plants over a 10-year period (2008-2017), the study reports energy prices and costs borne by EU producers operating in 11 energy intensive subsectors: bricks and roof tiles, wall and floor tiles, glass tableware, packaging glass, primary aluminium, secondary aluminium, aluminium downstream, steel EAF, steel BOF, nitrogen fertilisers and refineries. Prices for both electricity and natural gas reached a peak between 2011 and 2013 and then decreased. By 2017, recorded prices had returned to pre-crisis levels. Across all sectors, larger consumers are experiencing lower prices and costs. Regulatory components (e.g. network costs, non-recoverable taxes and levies, etc.) have a larger impact on electricity prices than on natural gas prices. Energy costs represent a driver for cost competitiveness, as they account for between 2% and 43% of total production costs in different subsectors. The energy costs borne by EU producers appear to be higher than those faced by their international competitors based in Algeria, Egypt, Russia, United Arab Emirates and the US.
Against this background, CEPS is hosting a workshop to present and discuss the main findings of the study with policymakers, businesses and all relevant stakeholders.
Please click here for full agenda.
Felice Simonelli = Composition and Drivers of Energy Prices and Costs
Manuel Rivas Rábago = Energy prices and costs in Europe