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A new dawn for the Single Market?

Economic and monetary affairs,Trade


A new dawn for the Single Market?


A truly single market remains a challenge for the EU, 30 years on. A renewed focus on better collaboration among the European Commission and EU Member States – in key policy areas such as the energy sector, digital economy and capital markets – could bolster Europe’s recovery from the pandemic, to the benefit of everyone. But all too often, national structures, reflexes and cultures prevent this from happening.

The European Round Table for Industry (ERT) will launch a new publication on the single market “Renewing the dynamic of European integration” for which it has collected 30 personal stories from the CEOs and Chairs of Europe’s best known industrial and technology companies. The stories provide concrete examples of the barriers that hinder cross-border economic activity in the EU. As a contribution to the reflections within the Conference on the Future of Europe, ERT’s aim is that its new publication provides a compelling evidence base for a new programme to deepen integration, deliver the twin transitions and in doing so, empower open strategic autonomy.

CEPS was created almost 40 years ago by a group of policy makers and CEOs to think ahead on European integration and support the single market. In 1984, the CEO of Philips, launched the ERT’s historic paper “Europe 1990 – An Agenda for Action” at CEPS which provided fresh impetus to the Delors Commission. CEPS is pleased to host this debate in the context of its anniversary.

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More speakers to be announced

Karel Lannoo Karel Lannoo
Karel Lannoo

Chief Executive Officer

Speakers list
Martin Brudermüller

Chair, ERT Competitiveness & Innovation Committee and CEO and Chair of the Board of Executive Directors, BASF

Kerstin Jorna

Director-General, Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission

Andreas Kopp

Senior Research Fellow, CEPS

Margrethe Vestager (video-message)

Executive Vice President, European Commission

Nathalie Errard

Senior Vice President and Head of EU office, Airbus

Heleen Bakker

Director European & International Affairs, Ministry of Economic Affairs & Climate, Dutch Government