In-person event is over

A new compass for competitive sustainability, wellbeing and prosperity

Economic and monetary affairs

CEPS Conference room
Place du Congrès 1, Brussels, Belgium

This in-person event is free and open to the public but registration is mandatory.

In-person event

A new compass for competitive sustainability, wellbeing and prosperity


Please note that this event is in-person-only, with the exception of CEPS members, who may request a link to follow virtually.

President von der Leyen’s announcement of a ‘competitiveness compass’ to guide the new Commission’s work raises some crucial questions. How can we develop a clear, up-to-date understanding of competitiveness in a rapidly transitioning, multidimensional economy? And, how should we judge the success of the EU’s approach?

With utmost attention being given in particular to the relationship between competitiveness, sustainability and social justice, it is crucial that the EU not only addresses this issue with urgency but also does so with a long-term perspective.

Can and should the EU look ‘beyond Draghi’ to develop a strategy that fully reflects the imperatives of the sustainability transitions to which the EU is committed? Such a strategy will also need to address more immediate concerns in relation to economic security, resilience and competitive challenges, coming notably from China and the US.

Join leading researchers from CEPS, CISL Europe and the JRC, as well as EU decision-makers and thought-leaders from business and civil society to learn about sustainable and inclusive wellbeing and competitive sustainability and how the EU could build on these approaches to tackle the most central issue of the new EU agenda.

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Andrea Renda Andrea Renda
Andrea Renda

Director of Research

Speakers list
Enrico Giovannini

Professor, Univerisità degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata

Jessica Cariboni

Head of Unit, Economic and Financial Resilience, JRC

Liviu Stirbat

Head of Unit, Industry 5.0 & AI in Science, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission

Robert Madelin

Senior Strategist FIPRA International

Rutger Hoekstra

Professor, Leiden University

Heather Grabbe

Fellow, Bruegel

Martin Porter

Executive Chair, Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (Brussels)

Erik Canton

Chief Economist, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission

Michaela Saisana

Head of Unit, Science for Modelling, Monitoring and Evaluation, JRC

Sandrine Dixson-Declève

Co-president of The Club of Rome

Cinzia Alcidi

Senior Research Fellow and Head of Economic Policy and Jobs and Skills Units, CEPS