Task Force Meeting is over

Collaborative Economy Task Force: Digital Services Act and Platform Liability

Place du Congrès, Brussels, Belgium

Participation in this event is free of charge.

Task Force Meeting

Collaborative Economy Task Force: Digital Services Act and Platform Liability

Task Force Meeting #2


Back in 2000, just as the internet was going mainstream, Europe enacted the E-Commerce Directive, setting clear limits on liability for digital platforms. Platforms weren’t held responsible for illegal material uploaded to their sites. Instead, they were responsible only for taking down illegal material when informed.

Today, the European Commission is planning to update these l protections with a new Digital Services Act. Governments, courts, and public opinion are demanding that internet firms police and prevent illegal material from being posted on their platforms.

What is the right amount of responsibility and liability for Collaborative Economy Companies? Should a new single European regulator be appointed for the Collaborative Economy? Should platforms be protected if they proactively work with municipalities to fight illegal activity?

Prabhat Agarwal of the European Commission DG Connect will open the discussion.



Registration and light lunch from 12.30 – Meeting from 13.00 to 16.00

William Echikson William Echikson
William Echikson

Speakers list
Prabhat Agarwal

Head of Unit: E-Commerce and Platforms - DG CONNECT - European Commission