15 Nov 2018

2018 Cybersecurity@CEPS Summit

Quo vadis EU?


2018 kicked off with Meltdown and Spectre, two of the worst computer security flaws ever experienced and capable of affecting nearly every computer chip manufactured in the last 20 years. Meanwhile, many people have become familiar with the arcane names of cyberattacks such as WannaCry and Petya.

Cyberattacks are a critical threat for the European Union and its member states. Not only does cyberspace form the backbone of the digital single market, it is deeply embedded in the EU’s goal of a Security Union. However, while 2018 has seen the growth of threats, especially from nation states that are militarising cyberspace for political ends, there have also been a wealth of cyber initiatives from the European Commission, the Council and the Parliament.

What is the status of the EU’s current efforts to create resilience and enhance deterrence in cyberspace? Do we need additional measures to increase awareness, develop smarter policy and establish more effective governance? Is the European cyber space safer today? Are EU leaders meeting the challenge of facing future cybersecurity threats?

These questions will be raised and hopefully answered at our conference in Brussels on Thursday 6 December, 2018. An official invitation and more information will follow in due course.

Participation in this event is exceptionally free of charge. Event supported by McAfee – Leonardo – Microsoft – Google

Please click here for full agenda.
