15 May 2023

EEAS secondment concluded


On 15 May 2023, CEPS Researcher Dylan Macchiarini Crosson concluded a one-year scholar-in-residence secondment at the European External Action Service (EEAS). He was seconded in the EEAS Directorate for the Integrated Approach to Security and Peace (ISP) in the Conflict Prevention and Mediation Support Division. During his time at the EEAS, Dylan was considered a fully fledged Policy Officer, working the standard 40-hour work week beyond any necessary CEPS engagements.

During his time at the EEAS, he:

  • Contributed to the ongoing early warning and conflict prevention processes inside the EEAS, in coordination with respective Commission services and the Council to ensure conflict sensitivity of the EU’s external action. Followed 9 countries/regions under the EU conflict Early Warning System and Conflict Analysis Screenings tools, and drafted approximately 30 monthly Horizon Scanning note entries on the Asia-Pacific, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and Middle East and North Africa regions.
  • Coordinated and contributed to policy documents, such as future FPI actions, Political Frameworks for Crisis Approach, Crisis Management Concepts, European Peace Facility Assistance Measures, and Contingency Operational Scenarios.
  • Drafted reports and briefings, including on relations with third country/international organisations partners and the use of data for evidence-based decision-making in conflict prevention.
  • Represented the Division in meetings for internal coordination purposes with other EEAS divisions and Commission services as well as external meetings with the Council of the EU, third countries, and civil society.
  • Ensured effective data visualisation for ISP.2 output.